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If you're a single mom who is feeling the impact of inflation and seeking guidance

If you're a single mom struggling with limited resources and feeling overwhelmed by the impact of inflation, I understand the challenges you're facing. I want to express my deep respect for your hard work and dedication in providing for your children while striving for independence.

One recommendation I have is to reach out to The Life of a Single Mom, an excellent online organization that can connect you with other single moms and provide valuable resources. Additionally, I believe it's important for you to focus on certain aspects of yourself, such as:
  • Your true identity, (James 1:12 NIV) (Matthew 6:26 NIV)

  • Your God-given purpose, (Romans 8:37 NIV)

Creating an inventory of your tangible and intangible assets and developing a plan to overcome challenging economic circumstances can also be beneficial.

You're not alone in your struggles, as many young ladies share similar problems, including limited resources, time, and a trusted community. Some have even faced rejection from their families due to their decision to have a child without getting married.

While I can't halt the effects of inflation, I can encourage you to connect with a community of people who can provide support in various areas where you're experiencing pain. This small step can prove to be invaluable. Being part of a community can offer economic benefits, including financial guidance, a network of resources, and practical assistance with budgeting, moving, finding doctors, buying/selling assets, legal advice, and more. It can also extend to areas such as childcare, meals, tutoring, transportation, sharing bulk products, and handling crisis situations.
Finding the right community is crucial. Seek out a trusted group where you can be transparent without fear of judgment. While online groups have their place, it's important to have real people in your life. This community could be a small group, a Bible study, a Women's Ministry, a charitable organization, or a local church, as long as it's a place where you can both give and receive support, knowing that you are all serving Christ. Serving one another in a community helps combat isolation, builds confidence and courage, and motivates us to work as unto the Lord.
Don't let pride hinder your progress or prevent you from discovering what God has in store for you. Trust in the Lord and find solace among His people. The Body of Christ is a place of service, love, acceptance, encouragement, and hope, where you can grow in courage and faith. Consider seeking wise mentors who can provide financial advice when needed, and remember that taking small steps within a supportive community can have a significant impact on your journey towards financial independence.
Hold fast to your hope without wavering and consider how you can encourage and be encouraged by others. Remember that you are not alone, and a community of like-minded individuals can walk with you through financial challenges, offering support when you grow weary. Your needs may also provide others with the opportunity to fulfill God's purpose in their own lives. Embrace the process of financial healing and strength, and practice biblical financial stewardship to experience less fear, stress, doubt, burnout, and debt.
Keep moving forward, and may you find comfort and progress on your path to financial independence.
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:23-25 ESV)

This article was originally published on The Christian Post on May 20, 2022.


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