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7 Secret Struggles
Of Leaders
M.A.P.S. (Ministerial Accountability Partner Sessions)
Personal Health or Family Concerns.
Money Problems.
Unethical Behavior of Another Leader.
Contempt From a Member.
Infringement of Ministry on Family Time.
Over-Extension to The Organization or Congregation.
Lack of Trusted People.
W. Paul
“This course has reinforced to me the importance of planning ahead and preparing for the future. Even though I’m not where I need to be, it feels good to know that I’m making improvements.”
"Beginning this course, I really didn't know what to expect and what was expected of me. I have a great Coach in Omar. He helped calm my nerves and to absorb what it is that God was teaching me through the lessons."
Briscoe & Priscilla
It truly helped us better prepare for what the future holds! We learned a lot more about each other and we feel more confident in our relationship."
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