Mi historia

Omar Cosme
Entrenador financiero
hola mi familia
Mi Familia, Soy Omar alias Big O. Quiero ayudarte a descubrir la libertad que disfrutamos hoy.
Durante mucho tiempo fingà ser alguien que no era. Como muchos de nosotros, creà las mentiras que la cultura me alimentó y permitió que manipulara mi visión del mundo con respecto al dinero y el éxito. Pero cuando dejé de mentir sobre quién soy realmente y acepté mi ser auténtico, ya no estaba perdido ni confundido.
Quiero que sepas que Dios te creó para más. Vivir tu vida para impresionar a los demás terminará en angustia y decepción. Me gustarÃa tener la oportunidad de ayudarte a encontrar tu ser auténtico viviendo una vida basada en la libertad espiritual, financiera y mental.
Ven a ser parte de la familia que "Vive como nadie más para que puedas vivir como nadie más". Ven y únete a nuestra familia en lÃnea en FB @coachomarcosme
Bienvenido a la familia.

I’m originally from Bayamon, Puerto Rico, and bilingual in English and Spanish. I’m married to a beautiful girl (Eunice) and together we have two wonderful kids. My passion is to provide the best service and help more people understand and create a better legacy for their families. I am an experienced and knowledgeable Life Coach, ready to work with you to ensure you and your family secure a better financial future. I currently hold several licenses and coaching certificates.
Financial Budget Coach certify thru two great organizations (Crown Financial Ministry & Financial Peace University)
Certified in pre-marriage counseling with SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts).
Leader at Celebrate Recovery/Restoration Ministries through Grace Community Church.
Property & Casualty and Life Insurance in the State of TN. (Auto, Home, Commercial & Life)
After 10 years of working in the corporate world and insurance industry, we decided to start our own company, Cosme Business Solutions LLC. Over the years, We have had the privilege of working with numerous people and companies of different economic, and different backgrounds helping them pay off debt, stay out of it, and help them secure a better future for themselves and their families by creating a legacy. Our bookkeeping branch will help your organization increase profits by allowing you the time to focus on YOUR business.
I look forward to being your trusted coach and expert resource.
Welcome to the family!